Ongaku To You

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Gray's Ongaku Go For August 2020

Continuing from Ken and Luna’s lead with another month down from 2020, we at Ongaku to You would like our readers to know what was filling our ears for the past month. Each track is available across all digital music streaming platforms with Apple Music being featured on this site. Here we go!


This is such a great and wonderful song. The vocals of Kojikoji are done really well in this number and the lead vocalist Kai has a pretty solid rap game. He rarely breaks out and you get to hear it here in this track. It also has this nice laid back feel to it. My only gripe is that I wish it was longer as I feel like it ends too soon but the artist is in a good place when the biggest problem with their song is it is too short.

Check out “Blue” here along with the music video below!

“I Believe…” by Hiragana Kamiyado

This is the last song on Hiragana Kamiyado’s freshman album HRGN. This is a slower number designed to show off the vocals of the group. The track does an excellent job giving each girl a moment to shine and the chorus has some really great harmonization. The song convinced me to check out their album and I’m was not disappointed.

Check out “I Believe…” here along with the music video below!

“Tokyo Skip” by Koudai Yoshida

Here is a small preview for an upcoming music corner I plan on doing. This is the first track on Yoshida’s latest album, 0(Zero), that came out earlier this year. This song comes out of the gate swinging with a fun and unique sound. Yoshida has left a strong impression on me and this is just a small taste of what he has to offer.

Check out “Tokyo Skip” here along with the music video below!

“In The Summer” by ARASHI

There is something about this song that keeps pulling me back to it. Its got a great medium tempo flow to it with a nice hook and sticks a good blend of the western and Japanese music managing to straddle the line between both. This is a fantastic addition to their discography and I encourage everyone to check out.

Check out “In The Summer” here along with the music video below!

“Ayumi” by Yu-Ta from IVVY

From the moment the listener hears the opening piano keystrokes they know they are going to be in for one hell of a song. The vocal performance by YU-TA complements the melody very well. I didn’t know it was YU-TA himself who actually also did the piano work on this song and he is very talented. The music video that recently dropped shows off his skills and gave me a newfound respect for his vocal talent. Kento.i was my favorite member until I heard “Ayumi” and now YU-TA is easily my new favorite.

Check out “Ayumi” here along with the music video below!

See this gallery in the original post