sumika Releases A New Teaser Trailer For Their New Album!


After an amazing 2018 four member rock band sumika drop the teaser trailer for their upcoming album, Chime, on their official YouTube channel. Chime which will be the band’s second album is set to release on March 13 with fourteen track total. 

Preorder your copy of Chime here and check out the track list and teaser for the album below!

sumika 『Chime

  1. 0時の方角 

  2. ファンファーレ 

  3. フィクション 

  4. Monday 

  5. ホワイトマーチ 

  6. Strawberry Fields

  7. 秘密 

  8. 春夏秋冬 

  9. Hummingbird's Port(Instrumental) 

  10. Flower

  11. ペルソナ・プロムナード 

  12. あの手、この手 

  13. ゴーストライター 

  14. Familia