eill Teases A Fake Love With Upcoming Release!

Japanese R&B and indie corner alumni eill is dropping her new digital single “FAKE LOVE” on May 20th! The single will be available on all digital platforms and is her first release since her album SPOTLIGHT back in November of 2019. eill has released two teasers for the new single on YouTube to give fans a little taste of this hot track. “FAKE LOVE” incorporates a upbeat summer track that will make you want to get on your feet and dance. eill has also revealed some extra release news for her tour “eill Live Tour 2020” which could take place in November! Check it all out below!

eill Live Tour 2020

2020.11.06 [Fri] 名古屋|ell.FITS ALL

2020.11.07 [Sat] 大阪|梅田Shangri-La

2020.11.15 [Sun] 福岡|Early Believers

2020.11.21 [Sat] 恵比寿|LIQUIDROOM

※チケット払い戻し日程 [2020.05.15 [Fri] 10:00 ~ 07.31 [Fri] 23:59]

※再販売日程 [調整中]