Fudanjuku Brings the Funfare Once Again with Upcoming Album!

Six-member cross crossing idol group Fudanjuku announced that they will be releasing a brand new album entitled Funfare on March 17. This will be the latest release done by the group since their single “Music” back in March of last year, and will be their seventh album overall. Funfare will be the last work for member Ai Hasegawa, who will graduate from the group in March. In addition to single songs such as "Tsubame", "Dash & Daaash !!", "sunny", and "Music", four new songs such as Hasegawa’s solo song “忘れ雪” (“Wasure Yuki”), which was provided by Hanawa and participated in the chorus by Baby Boo, are also included.

Funfare will drop with three editions: a CD-only standard edition, and two limited editions called Type A and Type B. Type A will include two additional bonus CD’s that feature an audio rip of their SINGLES 2020 concert which took place in August. Alternatively, Type B will have the music video for the track “青春” (“Seishun”), along with footage from a BBQ Party that is a must-watch for fans. 

As we look forward to the upcoming release, be sure to check out the music video for the song “Seishun” along with the pre-order links for Funfare below!

Standard edition

Limited edition Type A

Limited edition Type B



01. ミュージック[作詞・作曲・編曲:Peach]

02. Dash&Daaash!![作詞・作曲・編曲:Q-MHz]

03. 青春[作詞:高木誠司 / 作曲:高木誠司・高慶”CO-K”卓史 / 編曲:高慶“CO-K”卓史]

04. 廻れ風ぐるま[作詞:Peach / 作曲:安良岡修 / 編曲:成田忍]

05. 笑う門に明日は来る[作詞・作曲・編曲:Peach]

06. Bye-bye PAIN[作詞・作曲・編曲:Q-MHz]

07. sunny[作詞:はなわ / 作曲:樋口太陽 / 編曲:樋口太陽、新井瑞季]

08. ツバメ[作詞・作曲:はなわ / 編曲:成田忍]

09. 会いたい、会いたい[作詞:SHIROSE from WHITE JAM / 作曲・編曲:SHIROSE from WHITE


10. 忘れ雪[作詞・作曲:HANAWA / 編曲:小林俊太郎 / コーラスアレンジ:瀬川忍(ベイビー・ブー)]

Limited Edition Type A CD DISC 2

SINGLES 2020 Part 1<Afternoon Performance>

01. 男坂

02. 笑う門に明日は来る

03. ミュージック

04. メドレー(BE HERO~Love Spider~君色々移り~Dash&Daaash!!)

05. 証-soul mate-

06. NOIR~ノワール~

07. 雨ときどき晴れのち虹

08. 無敵!夏休み

09. 友達と呼べる君へ

10. 新たなる幕開けのための幕開けによる狂詩曲~キミがいればオレたちも笑顔∞~

Limited Edition Type A CD DISC 3

SINGLES 2020 Part 2<Evening Performance >

01. 瞬間到来フューチャー

02. 下を向いて帰ろう

03. ツバメ

04. sunny

05. 男装レボリューション

06. 同じ時代に生まれた若者たち

07. メドレー(RIKISHI-MAN~勝つんだ!~もしも これが恋なら~俺の空)

08. 笑う門に明日は来る

09. チェンメン天国

10. 人生わははっ!

11. 風一揆

Limited Edition Type B DVD


02. 「青春」MUSIC VIDEO メイキング

03. 特典映像:しっちゃかめっちゃかBBQパーティ