Gray's Ongaku Go For April 2024

Spring is in the air and April is finally behind us. We at Ongaku to You are here to share some of our favorite songs that we’ve been listening to this past month. Each track is available across all digital music streaming platforms, with Apple Music featured on this site, along with our Spotify playlist here!

“Bling-Bang-Bang-Born” by Creepy Nuts

“Bling-Bang-Bang-Born” has been on repeat since covering it for our latest episode discussing the Winter Anime season. This song grows on me even more, each time I listen to it. I’m surprised by how much this track gets stuck in my head and I’m constantly going back to it. 

Check out “Bling-Bang-Bang-Born” here and in the video below.

“BANDAGE” by Ayumu Imazu

Ayumu Imazu is a Music Corner alumni from last year and I still find myself listening consistently listening to his music. Ayumu’s music style is catchy and fun that I keep going back for more. “BANDAGE” is his latest release and like the rest of his music, it has this weird ability to stick with you.

Check out “BANDAGE” here and in the video below.

“Frozen Butterfly” by WOLF HOWL HARMONY from EXILE TRIBE

WOLF HOWL HARMONY, one of the newer additions of the EXILE TRIBE family has been a force to be reckoned with and this is only their second release. It’s difficult to believe these guys are just getting started in the industry as both of their releases thus far have been fantastic. 

Check out “Frozen Butterfly” here and in the video below.

“hikari” by Awesome City Club

It has been hard to stay on top of all the Music Corners we have covered in the past. but I do my best to keep up with my favorites. I was pleasantly surprised by Awesome City Club with the release of their “close:to” EP. The release as a whole is solid but the first track, “hikari” pulls you into the EP, showcasing that Awesome City Club decided to lead with the best track first.

Check out “hikari” here and in the video below.

“Ikutsu no koro ni Modoritai tainoka?” by Sakurazaka46

I was surprised that ‘Ikutsu no koro ni Modoritai tainoka?’ made it into my top five for the month, however, I’ve been listening to this while headed into work each morning. Originally, this release was one I wasn’t too keen on and to be fair my feelings on this are still a bit mixed but I keep finding myself pulled into listening to this track. I’ve noticed Sakurazaka46 does seem to be discovering their sound with their past two releases being pretty good. I’m waiting to see how long this song will stay in my rotation. I’m happy to see that Sakurazaka46 is beginning to pave their own way with their newer music and hope it continues on that way with future releases. 

Check out “Ikutsu no koro ni Modoritai tainoka?” here and in the video below.