Music Corner Week 13: CHANMINA

CHANMINA is a 19-year-old  trilingual Japanese-Korean rapper and singer-songwriter who got her start at an early age. She was brought up learning piano, ballet, vocals, and dance during childhood which lead her to self-produce everything, including songwriting, track production, and choreography. In her sophomore year of high school she produced two songs, “MISEINEN feat. MESHI” and “Princess”, both of which were highly rated and resulting in her becoming an overnight hit. In February 2017, CHANMINA made her major debut with “FXXKER” followed up by “LADY”, which hit number 1 on the LINEMUSIC hip-hop/rap charts. She followed all of this with her debut album Miseinen which made #59 on the Oricon charts.

CHANMINA’s music style is the perfect flavor of hip-hop mixed with dance tunes and her rap style is lit. She can’t only rap, either; her singing capabilities and her amazing songwriting, along with eye-popping music videos and catchy tunes, make her stand out from the rest. Her song “Doctor” resonated with me most due to its lyrics and message, as she discusses how everything is the same in a “cookie cutter” sort of world wherein it’s hard to stand out for who you are in fear of others’ judgment. The track, however, teaches you it’s okay to be different and not to be the same as everyone else even though there is so much societal pressure to be cookie cutter. What else I love about “Doctor” is its catchy beat and I find the video unique in its own way. Not to mention, you remember this song once you hear it. 

CHANMINA currently has one studio album, Miseinen; one mini album, CHOCOLATE; and one single, “i’m a pop”. Her second album Never Grow Up will be out on August 7. You can visit her official website and follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. If you like what you heard, check out her debut album Miseinen, mini album CHOCOLATE, and latest single “I’m a pop”. You can also pre-order her second album Never Grow Up as well!

Check out “Doctor” below! And a little hint, English subtitles are available for “Doctor” as an option!