Ringwanderung Brings A Bit of Synchronism With Upcoming Album!

Up-and-coming five-member idol group Ringwanderung announced that they will be releasing a brand new album, synchronism, August 4. This will be the latest release by the girls since their single “Fall Into Sky” in March and will be their first album overall. The five-girl crew stars Karin Henmi, Yonagi Masuda, Myon, Otono Terao, and Tomoko Sato. “Ringwanderung”, a German word, means “a phenomenon in which one loses one’s sense of direction in a place with poor visibility due to a snowstorm or thick fog, after which one turns around the same place because it is safe.” They took on this naming as a group that goes up step by step without hesitation, no matter what the future has in store for them. synchronism contains a total of 13 songs including the popular live performed tracks “Hello Hello", "Yure ↑ Le ↓ Na →", and "La La", as well as new tunes "夜彩” (“Yasai”) and "Sasaru”. The girls promise that this work is a piece that expresses all of their feelings. 

As we look forward to the upcoming release be sure to check out the live performance of their track “memories” below!


01. overture

02. memories

03. es

04. ハロー ハロー

05. FlashBack

06. fall into sky

07. 君のいない街


09. 夜彩

10. ユレ↑ル↓ナ→

11. 燃える火曜日

12. ササル

13. La La