Hump Back Comes Back with A Chatter For Upcoming Album!

Three-member female rock band Hump Back announced that they will be releasing a brand new album, ACHATTER, August 4. This will be the latest release by the girls since their single “Teenage Sunset” back in August of last year and will be their second full-length album. This work contains a total of 14 songs, all tracks—except “閃光” (”Senkou”), a song included on "Teenage Sunset"—newly recorded. The album will drop with only a CD-only standard edition. In addition, Hump Back will hold a one-man live tour, Hump Back pre. ACHATTER tour, to commemorate the album release from September. If you reserve an album CD at the target store within the time period, you will receive "Hump Back Chopsticks" in addition to the lottery application ticket for the release tour.

As we look forward to the upcoming release be sure to check out the music video for “Teenage Sunset” along with the pre-order links for ACHATTER below!

Standard edition


01 .宣誓

02. 番狂わせ

03. プレイリスト

04. スリーピース

05. 新しい朝

06. あいまい

07. ヘイべビ

08. ひまつぶし

09. きみは春

10. 閃光

11. HIRO

12. 遊覧船

13. マイユー

14. きれいなもの

Hump Back Hopes to See Fans One More Time With Latest Release


Three-member girl rock band Hump Back released a brand new track, “また会う日まで” (“Mata Au Hi Made”), across all digital music streaming platforms. This is the band’s first digital release and it will be their latest since their major label debut album 人間なのさ (Ningen Nanosa) back in May of last year. Their track named after the current crisis, Hump Back commented that even though the current situation is tough, “We hope our music and message can lift up our listeners again till we meet again.”  While this track is released across all digital music streaming platforms, it’s only for a limited time—until June 15 JST—so be sure to check it out!

Hump Back First Single Release Date Announced!

Three-member band Hump Back announced last night that their single "拝啓、少年よ" ("Haikei, Shonenyo") will be released on June 20th. This was announced on the last day of their "hanamuke release tour" for their second mini album hanamuke. Hump Back was extremely happy to announce this news, as this is their first official single being released. You can preorder the single (here)

You can check out the music video for "Yureru" the A side for their album hanamuke below!