Sayaka Yamamoto and Makoto Narazaki Surprise Fans With Marriage!

Sayaka Yamamoto announced her marriage to Official HIGE DANdism member Makoto Narazaki on her official instagram on February 24th while Makoto Narazaki confessed to FM Fuji radio that he applied for marriage with Sayaka Yamamoto on February 16th. Sayaka Yamamoto is a former member of the all girl group Dream (2002-2012) and the mega all girl group E-girls. Makoto Narazaki is the bass guitarist, sax, and back up vocals for the popular rock band Official HIGE DANdism. Sayaka-san stated on her instagram how happy she is to marry someone she has been in a relationship with for a while and that he is kind, sincere, and brings her much laughter and joy. She also stated Makoto-san is a hard worker and she will continue to support him and in turn if fans could continue to support her as well.

We at Ongaku to You wish both Sayaka Yamamoto and Makoto Narazaki a bright future.