Gray's Ongaku Go: November 2020

Picking up after Ken and Luna, and with another month down from 2020, we at OTY would like our readers to know what was filling our ears for the past month. Each track is available across all digital music streaming platforms, with Apple Music featured on this site.


“Damn It!” by Da-iCE

This year will go down as the year I truly discovered my love for Da-iCE. Their album, FACE, has been an absolute gold mine full of amazing songs and this one is no different. This is easily the coolest song on the whole album and almost made it into my top five for the whole year. This is a fun dance tune at the end of the day, and there are no words to describe how catchy this song is. When the chorus kicks in, I can’t help but sing the line “Demo damn it, damn it Baby.”

Check out “Damn it!” here along with the official dance practice video below.


“Talk” by Sway

So, I know Luna is a fan of Sway and I’ve never taken the time to really check him out, but I was looking for a Music Corner to cover and stumbled across this awesome song. It’s more laid back than what I typically listen to, but the mood and smooth rap just pull me into where I’ll listen to this song three to four times in a row. I can see why she likes him and when I get the free time, I’m going to check out more of his work.

Check out “Talk” here along with the YouTube audio below.


“Stand by me, Stand by you” by Hiraidai

This was my first real exposure to Hiraidai and he left one hell of an impression on me. Outside of being sung in Japanese, this feels like a song I would have heard growing up as a kid. I live in the south where country music is the only music to listen to. While this isn’t a country song, I can hear it being played on a country music station and listening to it makes me feel nostalgic.

Check out “Stand by me, Stand by you” here along with the official music video below.


“My Prayer” by The RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE

I generally have a love-hate relationship with The Rampage, but lately they’ve been knocking it out of the park. Earlier this year they dropped their first ballad, and I wasn’t too sold on it. Well, this is their second ballad and it’s a more traditional one, however, it is an awesome showcase of the guys’ vocals. Truly an outstanding song and if they keep this up, I’m excited to see what they have in store for their next release.

Check out “My Prayer” here along with the official music video below.


“Love So Sweet: Reborn” by Arashi

While this song pales in comparison to the original being mostly in English, this version is way easier to sing along with, and as we’ve been working on our Arashi Artist Spotlight, this has stayed in my rotation for the past month. This is probably my favorite song by Arashi and I’m glad they released this track earlier this year.

Check out “Love So Sweet: Reborn” here along with the official lyric video below.