heidi. announces ninth album

Visual kei rock band heidi. revealed they will be dropping a brand new album titled Hyohon which will be released October 23. Hyohon will be heidi.’s ninth album overall coming a little over a year after their last album Que Sera Sera. Also, heidi. is celebrating being together for thirteen years. Hyohon will be released in two editions, a Type A edition that will be CD + DVD and a Type B edition the will be CD-only. The A edition will feature eleven tracks on the CD and the DVD will feature a concert held August 17. The B edition, on the other hand, will have a total of twelve tracks on the CD with the twelfth being a bonus song titled “Milky Way”. Pre-orders are now available and will be posted below along with a full track listing. You can also check out heidi.’s song “Ray”.

Type A Edition

Type B Edition

heidi. [Hyohon]

CD Type A and B

1 一瞥 (Ichibetsu)


3 Ghost

4 虚 (Kyo)

5 ユートピア (Yuutopia)

6 水槽 (Suisō)

7 磔 (Haritsuke)

8 Parasite

9 がらんどう (Garandou)

10 エターナル (Etaanaru)

11 燭 (Shoku)

12 Milky way (Type B Edition Only)