heidi. announces ninth album

Visual kei rock band heidi. revealed they will be dropping a brand new album titled Hyohon which will be released October 23. Hyohon will be heidi.’s ninth album overall coming a little over a year after their last album Que Sera Sera. Also, heidi. is celebrating being together for thirteen years. Hyohon will be released in two editions, a Type A edition that will be CD + DVD and a Type B edition the will be CD-only. The A edition will feature eleven tracks on the CD and the DVD will feature a concert held August 17. The B edition, on the other hand, will have a total of twelve tracks on the CD with the twelfth being a bonus song titled “Milky Way”. Pre-orders are now available and will be posted below along with a full track listing. You can also check out heidi.’s song “Ray”.

Type A Edition

Type B Edition

heidi. [Hyohon]

CD Type A and B

1 一瞥 (Ichibetsu)


3 Ghost

4 虚 (Kyo)

5 ユートピア (Yuutopia)

6 水槽 (Suisō)

7 磔 (Haritsuke)

8 Parasite

9 がらんどう (Garandou)

10 エターナル (Etaanaru)

11 燭 (Shoku)

12 Milky way (Type B Edition Only)

heidi. announces new single to celebrate monumental anniversary!

To commemorate their thirteenth anniversary, four-member visual kei rock band heidi. announced a brand new single, “HALATION”, June 3. “HALATION” will be the latest release from the band since their album Que Sera Sera back in June of last year.

 heidi. 13th Anniversary Live!

2019年6月3日Tokyo’s Shinjuku LOFT

2019年6月6日Osaka’s OSAKA RUIDO

2019年6月7日Aichi ell.FITS ALL

The single will drop with three tracks total and will only have a CD-only standard edition. Along with the announcement of “HALATION” heidi. also dropped the music video for said single.

And to celebrate their monumental anniversary, heidi. announced they will be holding three lives simply titled heidi. 13th Anniversary Live, which will run from June 3-7 (details at right).

Even though it’s close to release right now, there are no pre-order links available currently. In the meantime check out the music video for “HALATION” below!

Track listing:




02. 眩暈

03. 恍惚(re:Rec)