Ken's Ongaku Go for November 2020!

Another month down from 2020 and we at Ongaku to You would like our readers to know what was filling our ears for the past month. Each track is available across all digital music streaming platforms with Apple Music being featured on this site.


“KiLLiNG ME” by SiM

This is only in my rotation because I really like the cover version done by RONDO. Both versions are apples and oranges to each other, but both have their own unique qualities. SiM brings their usual blend of heavy metal and pop-punk masterfully, especially with the year that is 2020 having a track that I can pretty much yell out at the top of my lungs is refreshing. The English lyrics also helped its popularity in my rotation even more, heavily thoughtful and emotion-filled than I initially thought. 

Be sure to check out the music video for “KiLLiNG ME” with the song here!


“22” by Hakubi

The track that brought me into their world of music, “22” was something that struck me as vocalist Katagiri’s vocals gripped me and never let go. I had thought the slow-tempo commotion would be a turn-off for me but as it gets to the chorus the shift to mid-tempo gets me every time. As I had deluged more into Hakubi’s amazing discography with tracks like “Akatsuki” and “Kubo” (some of my personal favorites), I always go back to the “22”. 

Check out the music video below along with the song here!


“Pika Nichi Double” by ARASHI

To hype up the release of their upcoming album This is ARASHI, I had gone back to one of my favorite tracks done by the group (and arguably the most popular one by them). Before this track, ARASHI had always sold well, but for me “Pika Nichi Double” brought forth what I think is ARASHI’s style. Either it is the unforgettably uplifting pop composition or the amazing vocals that the boys bring up. The track is a ten out of ten in my book. 

Check out Pika Nichi Double here!


“Back to Back” by Kimiko Yanagida

I’ve been highly anticipating this release when it was announced at the beginning of the month and it did not disappoint. It’s an interesting blend of mid-tempo composition that mixes well with Yanigida’s vocals and is something that is absolutely filled with love. While this is a very recent addition to my rotation, I don’t see it leaving it any time soon.

Be sure to check out the track here!


“Stand by me, Stand by you.” By HIRAIDAI

Another fairly recent addition to my rotation, however an unexpected one as I’ve never really paid too much attention to Dai’s career before this year. His vocals, while strong overall, just shine through this track, and with every listen I just keep falling in love with it more and more. The composition brings it to eleven making it understandable why it charted on the Oricon when it did. The pop goodness of the tune really opens up my eyes towards Dai and this will probably end up on my list at the end of the year for 2020. 

Check out the music video for “Stand by me, Stand by You” below, along with the song here!