Yuzu Drops New Music Video During Hard Times

Music duo Yuzu dropped a brand new music video on their official YouTube channel for their song “Sono Toki Niwa”. The video was shot in a private studio in Kitagawa and just features both musicians playing their guitar and alternating their singing. The new song is rather catchy and has a lot of heart. The full video is posted below for everyone to enjoy.

Yuzu just dropped their fifteenth album back in March, YUZUTOWN. It was released in two editions including a standard CD-only edition and a limited edition which comes with a bonus 40-page booklet. Order links are below along with the track listing.

Standard Edition

Limited Edition



1 SEIMEI (日本生命CMタイアップソング)

2 チャイナタウン

3 ~Pinky Town~

4 花咲ク街 (伊藤園「お~いお茶」CMソング)

5 GreenGreen (伊藤園「お~いお茶」CMソング)

6 マボロシ (NHKドラマ10「昭和元禄落語心中」主題歌)

7 ~Yellow Town~

8 イマサラ

9 フラフラ

10 夏疾風 (YZ ver.) (「嵐」提供曲セルフカバー)

11 ~Green Town~

12 マスカット(テレビ朝日系アニメ「クレヨンしんちゃん」主題歌」)

13 まだまだ

14 公園通り (伊藤園「お~いお茶」CMソング)

Yuzu Starts A New Collaboration With Itoen!

Popular duo Yuzu, coming off the heels of their latest album BIG YELL, announced a new collaboration with drink company Itoen. This collaboration has Yuzu's new single as the main commercial song for Itoen's major beverage Oi Ocha. The song name hasn't been revealed as of yet, but the commercial is set to play nationwide starting May 23rd. We will update you on any information when it's revealed.