Yuzu Drops New Music Video During Hard Times

Music duo Yuzu dropped a brand new music video on their official YouTube channel for their song “Sono Toki Niwa”. The video was shot in a private studio in Kitagawa and just features both musicians playing their guitar and alternating their singing. The new song is rather catchy and has a lot of heart. The full video is posted below for everyone to enjoy.

Yuzu just dropped their fifteenth album back in March, YUZUTOWN. It was released in two editions including a standard CD-only edition and a limited edition which comes with a bonus 40-page booklet. Order links are below along with the track listing.

Standard Edition

Limited Edition



1 SEIMEI (日本生命CMタイアップソング)

2 チャイナタウン

3 ~Pinky Town~

4 花咲ク街 (伊藤園「お~いお茶」CMソング)

5 GreenGreen (伊藤園「お~いお茶」CMソング)

6 マボロシ (NHKドラマ10「昭和元禄落語心中」主題歌)

7 ~Yellow Town~

8 イマサラ

9 フラフラ

10 夏疾風 (YZ ver.) (「嵐」提供曲セルフカバー)

11 ~Green Town~

12 マスカット(テレビ朝日系アニメ「クレヨンしんちゃん」主題歌」)

13 まだまだ

14 公園通り (伊藤園「お~いお茶」CMソング)